No skill just luck

Vibe (Rogue)
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Author:  vibe [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Vibe (Rogue)

Character name: Vibe

Character class: Rogue

Professions: Engineering and Alchemy.

Talent specs, gear level, Armory link (advanced mode): ... e/advanced I can play all 3 speccs depending on fight, in BRF im playing subtlety and combat depending on boss. I run about the same gear as both combat and sub, just changing weapons and trinkets.
Respeccing: Being able to play multiple specs or classes is very helpful for many reasons. Can you handle other specs/roles than your primary one? Do you like them? Are you willing to switch to them if needed? I can play all 3 rogue speccs equally good. I can also play the following other classes : Warrior (all 3 speccs) Warlock (all speccs) Druid (Guardian) Priest (Shadow). I like sub most of the rogue speccs but I don't take the fun-factor into account when choosing specc for a progress boss. Also I'd be willing to reroll if it was needed for the guild, although I'd prefer to play rogue.

Class Info: Talked to Minty about it over ts.

Raid experience: SoO 14/14 HC (Killed Garrosh 25M in april 2014), Highmaul 6/7 Mythic and BRF 10/10 HC. My favourite boss is probably Garrosh since it's the 1st end boss I downed while it was current.

Guild history: <Amend> Stormscale Horde : Joined them in April 2014 and left them in february 2015 due to them disbanding cause of roster issues.
<Solar Flare> CoA Alliance: Joined them after Amend disbanded and it was clear very early that I'd gone from one guild with roster issues to another with roster issues. Today 3 healers left and I put myself as lfg on wowprogress and minty contacted me.

Logs of your recent performances: Highmaul :

When can you play: Can play every day as long as it's not too early. As long as we dont start earlier than 7 PM CET I can play 7 days a week if it should be needed.

Where are you from: Malmö, Sweden

Age: 22

Communication: I have a mic and I'm not afraid to use it.

About you: Name's Victor, I'm 22 years old from Swedens 3rd city, Malmö. I'm currently looking for a job and on my freetime I play wow, hang out with friends and go to the gym to work out. As a person I guess I'm kinda introvert, laid-back and calm. I'm not the "clown of the guild" type of guy, I'm usually quiet on ts unless I have something relevant to say about the boss at hand.

Why do you want to join and what do you expect from the guild: I want to join because Minty poached me and told me about the guild and it sounded good. I expect to get cutting edges and to have a lot of fun while getting them.

UI and keybinds: Keybinds:
1: Eviscerate
2: Ambush/Backstab/Mutilate/Sinister Strike
3: Gouge/Sap
4: Hemo/Cheap Shot/Dispatch/RvS
5: Rupture
§: Stealth/Premediation
shift1: Sprint
ctrl1 : Slice and Dice
ctrl2: Smoke Bomb
ctrl4: Feint
ctrl5: Crimson Temptest
Q: Shiv/Garrote
E: Cloak of shadows
R: Shadowstep/Burst of Speed
T: Shadow Reflection + on-use trinket + racial
Y: Preparation
S: Kidney Shot
F: Kick
G: Focus
Z: Deadly Throw/Throw
X: Racial
C: Fan of Knives
V: Blind
shiftQ: focus garrote
shiftE: Evasion
ctrlE: Recuperate
ctrlT: Combat Readiness
shiftS: tricks tank1
ctrlS: tricks tank2
shiftF: focus Kick
shiftX: Health Stone/Healing Tonic
ctrlX: shroud
shiftV: focus blind
shiftD: agi potion


Anything else: A bit how I am as a player. I'm very dedicated and I always give raiding my best. I always strive to get better and I'm never happy with my performance. I spend a lot of time playing, going through logs and watching videos in order to become better, both as a rogue and as a raider overall. I think that's it, I'm looking forward to your reply!


Author:  Dagthul [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vibe (Rogue)

Hello there, and thank you for applying!

Your app looks good, your UI looks good, raiding times look good, I like your attitude and Minty said that class-wise you also know what you're doing.

We're accepting your application, you can poke us in-game for an invite when you're ready :).

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