No skill just luck

[accepted] Provehito - Elemental Shaman
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Author:  Provehito [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  [accepted] Provehito - Elemental Shaman

Character name: Provehito

Character class: Shaman

Professions: Enchanting & Jewelcrafting

Talent specs, gear level, Armory link (advanced mode):Elemental & I dinged 100 yesterday but currently at 623 ilvl ... o/advanced
Respeccing: I have enhancement OS but currently no gear as I just dinged & this is my only Horde character on the Wildhammer/Thunderhorn realm.

Class Info: I specced Elemental because I love the versatility it gives when fighting a boss, I can do tonnes of damage while still giving a little boost to healing as I've specced into Ancestral Guidance

Raid experience: On my Alliance characters I managed to kill the latest content from ICC, took a break in Cata and but managed to down DS and MoP I managed to down MSV and HOF as current content & also ToT.

Guild history: On the alliance side I've been in the same guild since I started wow 8years ago and never left.

Logs of your recent performances: If you want to increase your chances of being accepted, show us logs of your recent raid endeavours from sites like WarcraftLogs.

When can you play: Everyday from 12PM-12AM GMT time except Thursdays

Where are you from: Yorkshire, England! :D

Age: 19

Communication: I own a gaming headset and I have all the voice comms, TS3, Ventrilo, Mumble etc.

About you: I'm 19 years old from the UK, I enjoy playing computer games and prominently WoW. I have a love of Football and I'm big into the Rock/Metal music scene too!
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from the guild: As I've said, I've been on Thunderhorn/Wildhammer 8 years and No Skill just luck are a respected guild on the alliance guild along with WoWGONE guys. The guild seems mature and has a nice little community just like my Alliance side.

UI and keybinds: If you're applying for a raiding spot, list your keybinds here and post a screenshot of your combat UI. You can use the img tags or upload it as an attachment.

Anything else: I'm applying for a social slot and not a raiding one, just to make the clear for you guys! :) Thanks for looking at my application and I look forwards to the replies!

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