Character name: Marfóir
Character class: Rogue
Character level: 80
Played time: 50 days
Character professions + their skill level: Enchanting 450- Jewelcrafting 450 and all my secondary professions are maxed
Character talent spec and gear level: My MS is 31/3/2 and i have 269 average item level ... rf%C3%B3irWilling to respec if needed?: Yes ofcourse
Class information: Since the new patch i have been trying out different rotations in with i can inprove my dps. This is the best one i came up with:
(Opening sequence)
Muti til 4+ points
Muti til 4+
muti til 4+
I use this rotation till my target gets to 35% health. After that i use:
Backstab til 4+ points
Backstab til 4+
Backstab til 4+
Raid experience: Vanilla - Cleared, TBC - Cleared, WotLK - I only really focused on the newer raids as i did not raid before ICC. I have downed in ICC 10 8/12 on hc and 10/12 in ICC 25 hc
Guild history: I was in Nulli Secundus up until they disbanded, After that i joined Anima and left because i moved to horde with my mates for Cata
When can you play: Im on all the time really
Where are you from: Ireland
Age: 19
About you: My name is Robbie and going to college atm. I live in a house with 3 mates that also play WoW
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from the guild: To be in a successful raiding guild in cata and to be in a guild with my friends
Anything else: BTW I'm one of Vtéc's mates he spoke of.