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 Post subject: [withdrawn] Application Druidca resto/moonkin
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:47 am  
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:34 am
Posts: 1

Character name: Druidca
Character class: Druid
Character level: 85
Played time: 23 days, 21 Hours, 25 min , 1 seconds.

Character professions + their skill level: Alch - 517 / Herb - 525
Character talent spec and gear level: ... a/advanced
Willing to respec if needed?: Yes :).
Class information: Depends if u want me as Resto or Moonkin, But in resto i allways keep Lifebloom + Rejuvantion on tank, and on Raid, rejuvantion + Wildgrowth if people go low on health.

Raid experience: 4/6 BWD , 3/4 BOT
Guild history: i've been in Army of Darkness for ages, But they cant get a propber team for raiding , and i wanna raid so i left em :)
When can you play: Can raid everyday :). but sometimes in weekends i have to go out with friends :).

Where are you from: Denmark
Age: 20 Years.
About you: Im a 20 years old man , Living in Denmark - Jyllinge, Right now im living at my Parents, But ill get my own apartmend soon. I like being with my friends, Working on cars , Drinking ;) , Hear music and stuff :) .
Why do you want to join and what do you expect from the guild: i wanna join the guild cause i've heard good thing about it . :)
Anything else: i'm a good friend of Shadowsteps :).
 Post subject: Re: Application Druidca resto/moonkin
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:52 am  
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:51 am
Posts: 73


Yea i am a good friend if him too :) and i have explained to him on how social spots work in the guild and he full understands it :D

Have raided with him alot of times and he knows what is going on in raids, so if there is a dps lacking somewhere we can take him or he can heal ofc :)
 Post subject: Re: Application Druidca resto/moonkin
PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:45 pm  
Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:27 pm
Posts: 489

Hello druidca.
Well, friends should mean at least social spot imo. However, if you want to be raider in here, we can talk ourselves ingame bout your resto and moonkin spec. I'd like with this to wait for Gramir which is our imba duridz healerz0r, so i can talk with him bout our conversation (he's not so active in reply's on forum i think). I'll wait for officers oppinion to your application, however, i'd like to talk to you ingame bout rotations etc.
I'm looking on your armory now, and i would like to ask - is this healer or dps gear?
If dps, i agree with many things - but i dont agree with your neck reforge (haste is our primary stat after intellect). Also, i think there's a bracer enchant for haste. Meta socked should be crit & crit damage done. Chest reforge should also be haste, but maybe you see in spirit something i dont - you're not hit capped prolly without it. If this is your healers gear, haste is still primary stat.
Now to your talents...
I do not understand your healing talents. Empowered touch, nature swiftnest and Naturalist are the most important talents for healing, where natures grace and moonglow are only secondary. It should be replaced.
Theres a glyph on entagling roots, you can replace it with Innervate. Its more useful than roots, especially if there is another healing druid in raid. Of course if you are not pvp. Your gear looks like it o.O.
To the Balance talents:
You got Blessing of the grove 2/2, which i disagree, cuz it gives direct moonfire damage. I think you should place them to Heart of the Wild. Lunar shower is also good talent, but you should get Fungal Growth. It looks like only pvp, but it have same use as hunters traps - you can slow Chogall adds, magmaw adds and much more. So its worth a thing. However, i'd say that you should have at least 1 talent in everything, so you should place 2/3 from moonglow to Owlkin frenzy and Gale winds, so you will have 1/3 moonglow, 1/3 owlkin frenzy, 1/2 gale winds.
Your glyphs look good, but you can change Focus, cuz you should be at maximum range if possible (atramedes - discs), and this talent wont help it. Now that starfall will hit only targets in combat, you shouldnt need it anymore, and you can use Glyph of innervate, which helping you keep your mana up. You Major talent Glyph of Wrath isnt the optimal one, cuz you should pop starfall always when possible, cuz its great source of damage done. So you should replace this one with Glyph of Starsurge.

Anyways, these are only tips for high dps and efficient healing. If you dont want, you dont need to accept them.

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